Governing Document Requirements


  • All documents that regulate the community life.
  • Documents may vary depending on type of Association (condo, townhome, etc.):
    • State law
    • Declaration of Covenants or Master Deed
    • Conditions and Restrictions
    • Bylaws
    • Rules and Regulations
    • Resort Design Guidelines
    • Plats of Survey and Easement Agreements (may be separate, often included in the declaration)

 Applicable Civil Rights Laws

  • Prohibition against racial discrimination as stated by the Civil Rights Act of 1866.
  • Equal Credit Opportunity.
  • Fair Housing Amendments Acts, 1988, applies to sale of residence.
  • Does not prohibit discrimination by owners, if selling or renting as long as they own 3 or less homes.
  • Board is prohibited from discrimination in exercising its firstt right of refusal.
  • Persons with disabilities (at own expense) must be allowed to make accommodations per the Americans with Disabilities Act, 1993.